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Our Title IX Advocacy

While President Biden degrades America's females, Awake Illinois stands by them unequivocally. The amendments to Title IX are an assault on free speech, due process, biological truth, female's protected private spaces, and female sports.

Please see our statements, press releases, and coalition effort updates below. We reject President Biden's amendments and boldly assert he ought not be reelected to the Presidency simply on this issue alone.

April 2022: Awake Illinois joins Parents Defending Education Coalition Letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona

April 2023: Awake Illinois joins second Parents Defending Education Coalition Letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona

APRIL 2024: Awake Illinois joins 43 organizations on the SAVE coalition effort denouncing President Biden's Title IX amendments.

Stay tuned for updates on our efforts to protect females in Illinois and beyond.

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