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Protect the Kids Livestream Ep. 1 with Guest Jeff Cleghorn

Thanks to Jeff Cleghorn for joining today's livestream. His perspective as a gay army veteran and gay rights activist is very empowering as we all work together to protect the kids. He is a member of Gays Against Groomers, Georgia chapter and he recently spoke at the GA Senate hearing to protect children from gender ideology. Our organization will be hospitable to ANYONE willing to stand in the gap for children and liberty; we are grateful for Jeff's time and voice.

Jeff is 4th from left at the Feb. 13th Georgia Senate hearing.

The discussion covers how the gay rights movement has been "hijacked" by a for profit trans industry that is preying on children and why the time to stand is NOW.

We have an army that cannot be cancelled.

Please watch and share with your family, friends, parent groups and community networks.

Send opposition to Rep. Stava Murray TODAY to oppose HB4876 which would enable the continued predation on children.

Join us for tomorrow's livestream at 12:30pm CST with Jeannette Cooper--mother and co-founder of Partners for Ethical Care.


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